Matías Minevitz

Matías Minevitz

Desarrollador Web

// Educación

// Idiomas

Español Nativo
Inglés escritura & lectura Avanzado
Inglés conversación Intermedio

// Tecnologías

PHP Experto
Laravel Experto
Bootstrap Experto
jQuery Experto
Photoshop Experto
MySQL Avanzado
HTML5 Avanzado
CSS3 Avanzado
JavaScript Avanzado
Tailwind CSS Avanzado
Vue.js Intermedio
Git Intermedio
PWAs Principiante
CodeIgniter Principiante

// Presentación

Soy un desarrollador web full-stack autodidacta con más de 10 años de experiencia.
Empecé con Vanilla PHP, jQuery, HTML y CSS, actualmente trabajo principalmente con Laravel, Vue.js y Tailwind CSS.

// Trabajo part-time


Campus Nube Link

Full Stack

Management platform for institutes and schools.

  • Analyze the needs of a platform oriented to institutes and schools and design a flexible database structure to work with different types of clients.
  • Develop from scratch different modules, such as: attendance tracking, exam scores, report card generation, calendar, internal chat, etc.
  • Work with: Laravel 6, MySQL (multi-tenant structure), PWAs, Pusher, Vue.js 2, Bootstrap 4, Events, Notifications, Mailgun, Tasks, Custom Artisan commands, Authorization, Migrations, Seeders, etc.

// Trabajos freelance (2012 - Presente)


Comppo Link

Full Stack

Post Production Company.

  • Working with: Laravel 11, MySQL, Vue.js 3, Tailwind CSS 3, etc.

Supernova Link

Full Stack

Photography & Digital Video Production Company.

  • Working with: Laravel 9, MySQL, Vue.js 3, Tailwind CSS 3, etc.


Full Stack

Photography & Digital Video Production Company.

  • Working with: Laravel 9, MySQL, Vue.js 3, Tailwind CSS 3, etc.

Directores Argentinos Cinematográficos

Full Stack

Collection management system.

  • Working with: Laravel 9, SQL Server, Vue.js 3, Tailwind CSS 3, etc.

Eduardo Paso Viola Link

Full Stack

Graphic Designer, personal website.

  • Developed a backend that allows to load images in arbitrary positions to generate a "messy" style.
  • Optimized the loading of multimedia files, using different formats, sizes and lazy load.
  • Worked with: Laravel 8, MySQL, Multi-language, Vue.js 2, Tailwind CSS 2, Vimeo API, etc.

Jensen Link

Full Stack

Craft beer brand.

  • Developed a fullscreen website prioritizing the mobile experience.
  • Worked with: Laravel 8, MySQL, Multi-language, Vue.js 2, Tailwind CSS 2, Vimeo API, etc.

Estudio LM

Full Stack

Accounting firm.

  • Developed a simple responsive single page website.
  • Worked with: Vanilla PHP 7.4, Vanilla JavaScript, Tailwind CSS 2 and HTML5.

Grupo Berro Link

Full Stack

Design studio.

  • Developed a frontend with different types of animations, interactive and perfectly adjusted to mobiles.
  • Created a backend that allows to create pages from blocks (such as text, images, videos, etc).
  • Worked with: Laravel 8, MySQL, Multi-language, Vue.js 2, Tailwind CSS 2, Bodymovin, etc.

Beata Link

Full Stack

Craft beer brand.

  • Developed a booking system to reserve a tour to the beer factory.
  • Worked with: Laravel 5.8, MySQL, OpenLayers, Vue.js 2, Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3.4, etc.

Getit Link

Full Stack

HR consulting firm.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.5, MySQL, Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3.3, etc.

Santiago Ramundo

Full Stack

Argentine actor, singer and filmmaker, personal website.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.5, MySQL, Multi-language, YouTube API, Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3.3, etc.

Fundación María Elena Walsh

Full Stack

Non-profit organization dedicated to the work of María Elena Walsh, figure of Argentine culture.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.5, MySQL, Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3.3, etc.

Fundación Luz Austral Link

Full Stack

Non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of photography in Argentina.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.5, MySQL, Multi-language, Algolia, Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3.3, etc.

Destands Link

Full Stack

Stand manufacturing company.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.4, MySQL, Bootstrap 4, jQuery 3.3, etc.

Panadería la Española

Full Stack


  • Worked with: Laravel 5.4, MySQL, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.12, etc.

Victorio D’Alessandro

Full Stack

Argentine actor, personal website.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.4, MySQL, Multi-language, YouTube API, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.12, etc.

Candela Vetrano Link

Full Stack

Argentine actress, personal website.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.2, MySQL, Multi-language, YouTube API, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 2.2, etc.

María José D’Amico Link

Full Stack

Argentine photographer, personal website.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.2, MySQL, Multi-language, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.12, etc.

Argentina Dorada Link

Full Stack

Media dedicated to Argentine Olympic athletes.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.2, MySQL, YouTube API, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.12, etc.

Pogopedia Link

Full Stack

Media dedicated to music concerts in Argentina.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.1, MySQL, Socialite, YouTube API, GMaps API, API, Algolia, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.12, etc.

Escuela Argentina de Fotografía Link

Full Stack

Argentine School of Photography.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.0, MySQL, Google Sheets API, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 2.1, etc.

Santiago Talledo

Full Stack

Argentine actor, personal website.

  • Worked with: Laravel 5.0, MySQL, Vimeo API, Tumblr API, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 2.1, etc.

Rocio Vitelleschi Link

Full Stack

Fashion stylist, personal website.

  • Worked with: CodeIgniter 3.0, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.11, etc.

Alejandro Almaraz

Full Stack

Argentine photographer, personal website.

  • Worked with: CodeIgniter 2.1, MySQL, Multi-language, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.11, etc.

Señal Trace

Full Stack

Traffic signal tracking system.

  • Worked with: CodeIgniter 2.1, MySQL, Bootstrap 3, jQuery 1.10, etc.

Chacra GK

Full Stack

Harvest management software.

  • Worked with: Vanilla PHP 5.4, MySQL, Bootstrap 2, jQuery 1.9, etc.

// Experiencia docente (2011 - Presente)


Escuela Argentina de Fotografía Link

"Digital Image II", second year degree subject

Advanced Photoshop.


Escuela Argentina de Fotografía Link

"Digital Image I", first year degree subject

Digital photography theory, basic Photoshop and Lightroom.


Escuela Argentina de Fotografía Link

Digital photography workshop

Photographic technique, digital photography theory, basic Photoshop and Lightroom.


Escuela Argentina de Fotografía Link

"Digital Image I" assistant, first year degree subject

Digital photography theory and basic Photoshop.